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Date Published: 2015-05-08

So the pollsters prediction of a neck and neck race was totally blown out the water by voters who seemed to only really make their minds up when they stepped into the polling booth with their ballot paper in hand. Did they vote with their hearts or their heads, who knows but it looks like we have a Conservative majority for the next five years.


What does this means for the Alternative Finance markets?
Over the past couple of years the Coalition Government led by the Conservatives has actively encouraged financial services innovations such as Peer to Peer lending and crowd funding, allowing investors greater flexibility and opportunity as well as providing much needs capital to the consumer, SME and property sectors.


Hopefully the consultation on the inclusion of Peer-to-Peer Lending within an ISA wrapper will be successfully concluded and Proplend is looking forward to working with the newly elected Government to make lending ISAs a reality as soon as possible.


With resignations coming in from left, right and centre could Milliband, Farage and Clegg be the new Top Gear presenters?
